Night Owl Baker

All new orders will ship after March 18- The bakery is on Winter Hiatus.


Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here!

Currently shipping every Wednesday, year round, coast to coast.

All order, pricing, and True Sourdough Bread details are below.

Here at Night Owl True Sourdough, all breads are grown and raised with our naturally wild yeasted levains.

100% USDA Certified Organic grains.

Never using instant bakers yeast.


True Sourdough

Bread with Benefits™

Night Owl True Sourdough is a tangy loaf that is both addictively delicious and nutritionally beneficial for your gut health.

How to order:


  • Desired number of loaves (3 min. to 6 max)

  • Your “ship to” address


East coast, midwest, locals ship overnight UPS delivery.

Southern and west coast orders arrive via 2 day shipping (USPS)


$13.00/ loaf + $15.00 flat rate shipping/handling on every order. 

 There is a 3 loaf minimum on shipping orders.

If you would like to order fewer loaves please note there is a $15.00 flat rate shipping and handling on all orders regardless of weight. Each loaf weighs in at minimum 1.3 lbs

This is the most cost effective method to deliver to you a months supply and more of  our delicious, naturally low gluten, gut friendly, easily digestible, 100% USDA Certified Organic, triple fermented true sourdough bread.

Your extra loaves will freeze wonderfully for weeks and weeks and then some, like fresh when defrosted.


 Square up invoicing sent to your via email, payable online with a credit card. 

Invoicing is due upon receipt to ensure your order ships out with our next bake.

Freezing your extra loaves:

Your extra loaves will freeze wonderfully for weeks and weeks and then some.

      Extra loaves should be wrapped in an additional bag, prior to freezing.

Defrost in original, closed bag overnight on a plate. There will be condensation.

There are just 3 ingredients.

Ingredients: 100% USDA Certified NY State Organic stone ground flours, including rye, filtered water, and salt.

The bread does not need to be refrigerated. We recommend a good, sharp bread knife.

We recommend slicing it thin and toasting all day!

Our unique process at Night Owl True Sourdough takes 4-5  days from beginning ferment to bake off.

These things take time — and are well worth the wait.

♛ expectations exceeded ♛

Optimum Gut Health

Our 86+ hour fermentation process reduces and de-grades all glutens, giving your digestive system a major head start.

  • Eliminates the bloating, constipation, weight gain, lethargy, and allergic reaction associated with bread consumption. No more Bread Belly.

  • The traces of remaining glutens are quickly and easily digested.

  • Degraded gluten is proven easier to digest making Night Owl an excellent choice for those with gluten intolerance.

  • Lactobacilli, naturally produced in our True Sourdough, creates production of lactic acid, which is essential and even reparative to the human gut, helping to heal and  maintain a healthy digestive system  in addition to healthy consistent  elimination.


Only Natural

  • We exclusively use  100% USDA certified Organic N.Y. grown, stone milled flours.

  • Our blend of flours includes 30% rye - resulting in a luscious, darker brown sourdough loaf.

  • Night Owl is wild yeasted in the salty Montauk air, never with instant baker’s yeast.


Overall Health-Enhancing

  • While bread can be thought of as a high glycemic food, Lactic Acid bacteria in Night Owl True Sourdough actually reduces starch availability and lowers glycemic responses. 

  • The Lactobacilli also delivers more mineral availability – especially potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), and Zinc (Zn).  

  • True Sourdough enhances the entire immune system. 


Pricing + shipping

Night Owl True Sourdough bread is $12/loaf + $15 flat rate shipping. Due to shipping costs, we currently have a 3 loaf minimum for all orders.

This is the most cost effective way to deliver you a months (or more) supply of our delicious, naturally low gluten, gut friendly, easily digestible, 100% USDA certified organic, triple fermented sourdough bread. Your extra loaves will freeze wonderfully, just wrap them in an additional bag before putting in the freezer. To thaw, just set on the counter overnight. Once defrosted your bread will look and taste fresh.

If you would still like to order fewer than 3 loaves, please note that shipping costs will remain the same.

We bake and ship every Thursday. East Coast, Midwest, and local ship via UPS overnight with Friday delivery. West Coast and Southern states ship via FedEx with Saturday delivery.

your order

To order, please email tracy@nightowl baker with the number of loaves you would like and your shipping address. Due to shipping costs, we have a 3 loaf minimum and a 5 loaf maximum (4 loaf max for Southern and Western states due to the size of our contracted FedEx box).

You will receive and invoice via email, payable online with a credit card. Payment is due immediately upon receipt of invoice to ensure that your order ships out with our next bake.


Night Owl True Sourdough is a hearty, dense, brown un-sliced, 1.4+ lb loaf of 100% wild yeasted, organic, gut friendly, lactobacillus loaded, triple fermented sourdough loaf.

Ingredients: 100% USDA certified NYS organic stone ground unbleached flours (whole wheat, 1/2 white, and rye), filtered water, salt. Organic coconut oil spray is used as a release agent.

The bread does not need to be refrigerated. We recommend using a sharp knife to slice it thin before toasting and devouring.

Our unique process at Night Owl Real Sourdough takes 5 days from initial ferment to bake off.

Good things take time, and are well worth the wait.